Christmas Drive-Thru

Scene 1 -FAMILY: The family is reading the Bible, the word of God.  In the Bible we learn that God created the heaven and the earth and also created man in His own image and placed them in the Garden of Eden.  Man disobeyed and rebelled against God, leading the human race into sin.  God was forced to remove them from the garden but he promised a Savior who would come one day to restore man to a personal relationship with God.

Scene #2-  ANNOUNCEMENT TO MARY-  Luke 1:26-35
 Throughout the centuries God reminded the people through His prophets that the Savior would come.  The prophet Isaiah said " a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel( God with us) " Isaiah 7:14.  The prophet Micah predicted the Savior would be born in Bethlehem in Micah 5:2.  As the time for the Savior neared, an angel of the Lord visited a virgin nameed Mary and told her she would give birth to the promised Savior.

Scene #3-  JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM-Luke 2:1-7
 Prior to the baby being born, all the people of Palestine had to return to their homeland for a Roman census.  Therefore, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, the home of Joseph's ancestors thus fulfilling the prophesy of Micah.  Unable to find lodging, they were forced to stay the night in a stable.

 Just outside of Bethlehem, an angel appeared to the shepherds at night.  The angel announced that the promised Savior had been born that night.  They would know who the Savior was by finding the baby who lay in a manger.

Scene 5- THE MANGER- Luke 2:16-20
 There in the stable, Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world as a tiny baby.  Now the Promised Savior had come. They named Him Jesus, " for it is He who will save His people from their sins " Matthew 1:21.

  Scene 6-  WISEMEN-Matthew 2:1-12
 Some time later wisemen from the east came looking for the King of the Jews.  After following the star, it lead to the house where the young Jesus was living.  Recognizing the kingship and deity of Jesus, a worshipped Him with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Scene 7- GETHSEMANE/ CROSS-Matthew 26:36-46; 27:33-50
 Jesus Christ came to earth to fulfill the promise made that a Savior would one day come.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, He wrestled with His coming death on the cross when he would take upon Himself the sins of the old world.  By dying on the cross, He willingly took the punishment for our sins.  Since He never committed any sin Himself, He died for the penalty of our sins.  God accepted His death as payment for our sins.

Scene 8- RESURRECTION- Matthew 28:1-7; John 20:1-9
 On the morning of the third day after Jesus died, Jesus rose from the dead.  By raising from the dead, He proved He was the Son of God and had power over death, sin and hell.  Today, Jesus offers eternal life as a free gift to all who trust in Him alone as their own Savior an Lord.

 So you see, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to restore man to a personal relationship with Himself.  You can have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and have all your sins forgiven and know for sure that you will go to heaven when you die, by placing your faith in Jesus Christ alone for your eternal life.

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