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    Cedar Brook Bible Church has been serving the Cedar Brook community for over one hundred years. The church has always been known for the warm reception and friendly atmosphere evident in every service. 

    The church is situated on ten acres and is prepared to advance with the progress of Camden County. Our church buildings and facilities are continually upgraded forthe safety, comfort, and, versatility needed to minister in today's world. 

    You will find an emphasis on quality in all the ministries of the church. It is our goal to strive for excellence in every area. We desire to use your time efficiently and therefore offer a variety of learning and serving opportunities for the whole family. 

    Although Cedar Brook Bible Church has a hundred year history, we are not planted in the past. Our dreams are greater than our memories. We offer the challenge of establishing new Biblical traditions for this generation. Because of our history, our proven integrity is a relief to many who are tired of what the world offers and are seeking a place of refuge and strength.